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第10回資生堂アートエッグ 資生堂ギャラリー 個展「/in/visible」

2016 "/in/visible" (shiseido art egg 10)  SHISEIDO GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan

Shiseido Gallery has been promoting its activities for nearly a century based on the concept of “discovering and creating new aesthetics”. Shiseido art egg is an open call programme that opens its doors to promising new artists. In 2016, I was selected among 370 applications nationwide for the 10th edition of shiseido art egg, and it was so that I was able to hold a solo exhibition in March 2016 at Shiseido Gallery, visited by a total of 3,233 people in the span of 21days.

資生堂ギャラリーでは新進アーティストにギャラリーの門戸を広く開く公募制のプログラムshiseido art egg (シセイドウ アートエッグ)を開催しています。10回目となる2016年度は、370件の公募の中から選ばれた3名のアーティストの内の一人として2016年3月に個展を開催しました。手レンズとノーレンズをメインに展示しました。展覧会来場者の人数は21日間で、男性1,435人、女性1,798人、計3,233人でした。

協賛 株式会社グラフィック

協力 Yasumasa Manabe 廣澤康正 苅田修一(三重大学 生物資源学研究科 生物圏生命科学専攻)

音響 北村大樹

主催 資生堂

cosmic space - Kitamura Daiki
00:00 / 00:00

GABOMI. asks, “Is what are visible to us, all of the reality?,” and explores this question through photographs that look into the unnoticed corners and signs of everyday life. In the realm of photography, she pursues “what is there within what is seen” and “what is there despite being unseen” of her subjects. The current state of this exploratory process is represented in this exhibition by a group of works titled, “TELENS,” “NOLENS” and “SHINKI” (“divine elements”). Specifically, for TELENS, GABOMI. uses a unique method of using her own hand in place of the lens barrel to control the photographic exposure for forming an object image. The point of this is a freedom of expression released from reliance on the specifics of the lens. In doing this, she attempts to bring forth a realm that transcends the limitations of the human senses. In this way, GABOMI. pursues the new possibility of photographic expression without performing any digital image processing.

by SHISEIDO GALLERY, "GABOMI. exhibition" 2016

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