1978- Japan based Artist / photography / painting
写真家・ペインター 高知出身・香川県在住アーティスト
'OBOO' in Mongolia
GABOMI has visited North Mongolia and captured many "OBOO" which made by stones, woods and silks, originally linked to the cult of the “blue sky” and “sky gods”.GABOMI REI/ A Contemporary Photography Artist. Japanese. Currently resides in Kagawa, Japan. Even the science might elucidate the secrets of space, there are huge unknowable mysteries in this world. GABOMI is interested in primitive religions. They sometimes show how ancient people had seen, imagined, connected with this world and the other world. GABOMI thinks it may help to find the “key” of her seeking mystery. (gallery MUSTAKIVI)
GABOMI REI 写真展「OBOO 空とオボー」2017年10月14日-11日19日
<個展解説文より> 2017年夏にGABOMI REI が、モンゴル北西部を旅した際に撮影した、オボー(OBOO)にまつわる最新作28点を展示。モンゴルでは古来より、天、山、水、森などには神が宿るとされ、日本の古神道にも通じる自然信仰があります。小高い峠や森の入り口などには、石や木を積み上げて作られたオボーをたびたび見る事ができ、神々や霊が降臨してくる場所だと信じられてきました。オボーにはたくさんの供物とともに、絹の布(ハダク)が巻き付けられ、その一枚一枚に天空の神々への願望が込められています。美しい絹と森の光が交ざり合うように、視点を変えればあらゆる境界性は曖昧であり、オボーは聖なるものと俗なるものの境界線のようなものだとGABOMI REI は考えています。また、清濁や善悪の概念をこえ、俯瞰こそがこの世界の本質を写し取ることができると考えており、本展覧会はGABOMI REIが近年取り組んで来た「神秘の探求」においても、ひとつの到着点となっております。(MUSTAKIVIギャラリー)
10/14,2017 | 10/21,2017 | 10/28,2017 | 11/04,2017 | 11/19,2017 |
11/19,2017 |
Art work "bird" (2017)
Acrylic Mounting Giclée print, Original Stainless steel flame, Used stainless steel chain, woods, my black cloth, my stones.
This work was inspired by OBOO and Shaman. Mongolian People make their wishes on beautiful colorful silks and tie them on OBOO and gradually make bigger. This works was growing larger every weekend during the exhibition. The more we have, the greater our desire will be.
One night, I met an old Shaman in the North Mongolia, and saw his long dance. I felt he was changing into a bird and flying upwards within his mind. I think OBOO and Shaman both are a means of sending wishes to sky Gods. They fly to the sky like a bird.
I made this work on impulse. I used photos of OBOO and Shaman's dress, chains, stones, woods and my black cloth. And then I realized number "9"... 9 photos, 9 chains, 9 stones, 9 wood boxes, and I have kept the black cloth for 9 years, and been a photographer for 9 years at that time. The meaning for 9 is uncertain at the moment but interesting.
"forest of silk" 絹の森、オボーの中から
Acrylic Mounting Giclée print 5mm 520/mm in diameter アクリルマウント写真 直径520mm
"wishes" 願いごと
Antique flame, Folded paper, 10 color Giclée print アンティークフレームに写真を折り曲げて封入
"evening horse" 夕の馬
Acrylic Mounting Giclée print 5mm アクリルマウント 561 x 841/mm
"forest of silk" 絹の森、オボーの中から
Acrylic Mounting Giclée print 5mm アクリルマウント 561 x 841/mm
"OBOO" 毛とオボー
"another horse/ Khuvsgul Lake 2017"もうひとつの馬
Orijinal Pine flame Giclée print 297 x 420/mm オリジナル檜フレームA3
"blue" 聖なる青い絹(ハダク)
Antique flame, 10 color Giclée print アンティークフレーム
"the midnight hourse" 夜の馬
Antique flame, 10 color Giclée print アンティークフレーム、図形のエンボス
"the triangle" "the circle" (drawing) 図形 さんかく、まる
Acrylic on stainless steel boad 友達のステンレス板、アクリル絵の具